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The Activity Calendar tracks your Meetings, Telephone Calls or To-Do items for your clients or anyone for that matter.

The Activity Calendar has three parts. Activity Calendar, Activity History and Event Reminder

To open the Activity Calendar click the Activity Calendar icon, third from the left on the main toolbar.

To Add a new activity click on New at the lower left and select Call, Meeting or To Do. This will open a Select window for you to select the contact. Hightlight the contacts name and click OK. The next screen allows you to set the Date, Time and so on. To set the Date other than today's date, click the calendar to the right of it and select the Date. To set the Time of the activity click on the Time and another window will open with a grid of all times in five minute increments. To select a time click on the time and then ok. If you want to block out a certain amount of time, an hour for example, click on the start time and drag your mouse downwards until the entire time has been established, then click ok. If you do not want to set a time for an activity then click on the Timeless option and no time will be attached to the activity. The duration will be filled in as time indicated by you. If you blocked out an hour for the time then the duration will be 60 minutes. The number to the right of that in the Teal color is the end time for the activity. The lead time is for the Event Reminder. If you want to be reminded 15 minutes prior to the activity, use the drop down window and select 15 minutes. We have different times for you to choose from. Make sure that the remind box is checked. If not then it will not appear in the Event Reminder. The Description field is used for a brief summery of the activity. The Type drop down list is if you want to change from Call to Meeting or To Do. The Priority window is to list the activity in how high you need this done Low, Medium, High and Urgent.

You can set the Activity Calendar to display All of your activities or the activities for the day, week, month, year, past, present by clicking the View button. If you select All and also select Incomplete Only then all the activities that have not been set to Completed will display.

You can add a note for any activitiy by selecting the activity and clicking on Notes at the bottom. This brings up the notes area for this activity. Type in your notes regarding the activity and save it with the green check mark.

When the activity has been completed, select it, click Status and choose completed.

To review or change an existing activity select the activity and click Edit.

If you would like to add an Activity for a person or event that is not in your database, at the last name field on the Client Information screen add the word Misc. You can then use Misc. as a universal contact point.

If you are on the Client Information screen and want to schedule a Meeting, Call, or To-Do for that client, click either the icon forth down from the left, View Activity or Tab 5 at the top Activity History. Select either Call, Meeting or To Do. Setup the Date, Time etc as you would in the Activity Calendar.

The Event Reminder will display on your lower toolbar when an activity is due. It will display the type of activity, the contacts name, date, time, phone number and description of the activity.

To make sure the Event Reminder is enabled, click Setup|Event Reminder make sure there is a check next to Enabled.

Activity History is located on the Client Information Screen, Tab 5 Activity History, this displays all activities scheduled in the Activity Calendar, along with the notes, for this client.